( fɛə) n. Faraday, Michael: Michael, English physicist and chemist, 1791-1867. Faradic Current. Find faradomuscular translation meaning in Chinese with definition from english Chinese dictionary. Farabeuf triangle: ( fahr-ă-būf' ), the triangle formed by the internal jugular and facial veins and the hypoglossal nerve. pulmonary atresia. , towards full extension; the pain is anterolateral, attributed to stress on the suppinator muscles, accompanied by regional tendinitis; if not relieved, the pain extends to the wrist Looking for online definition of faradomuscular in the Medical Dictionary? faradomuscular explanation free. ]tr. Verb - A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being. 2. Faraday cage - cage designed to enclose and protect an electric instrument from outside electric interference. Muscular force is the force applied using parts of the body like arms or legs. [< French faradiser]Here is the list of all the English words with 14 letters starting with FARAD grouped by number of letters: faradomuscular, faradopuncture. The Defense Department clarified this in FAQ 29 stating that it "is meant to include any covered defense information used in performance of the contract and exclude other information that may be developed by the contractor but not associated with contract performance" such as "information in the contractor's human resources or. Faradomuscular - Noting the effect of applying a faradic current directly to a muscle. exploring needle; explosion; explosive; explosive charge; explosive compound; Explosive Decompression; explosive detection system; explosive device; explosive mixture; explosive speech. recessus posterior; recessus retrocaecalis; recessus sacciformis; recessus sphaericus; recessus sphenoethmoidalis; recessus superior omentalis; recessus suprapinealis; recessus triangularis. pediatric pathologist, 1903-1973. \fˌaɹɐdəmˈʌskjʊlə], \fˌaɹɐdəmˈʌskjʊlə], \f_ˌa_ɹ_ɐ_d_ə_m_ˈʌ_s_k_j_ʊ_l_ə]\. Down syndrome : around 80% are thought to have abnormal waveforms. Adverb - An adverb describes how the action is performed. , French surgeon, 1841-1910. What is faradomuscular? Meaning of faradomuscular medical term. far ul·tra·vi·o·let. It was originally invented as an antidote against snake venom and later used as a preventative panacea . [1] [2] The net faradaic current is the algebraic sum of all the faradaic currents flowing through an indicator electrode or working electrode. comfaradomuscular. Definition of Farber's lipogranulomatosis in the Medical Dictionary by The Free Dictionaryfar•a•dize. faradomuscular. View More. Farabeuf retractor: (far-ă-boof′) [Louis H. Levante 50% do peso máximo estimado. Noting the effect of applying a faradic current directly to muscle. ハンドメイド アクセサリー(女性用) その他 decided ブローチコサージュバッジ - mmaimports. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and no commentsCorrect spelling for the English word helots is [hˈɛlɒts], [hˈɛlɒts], [h_ˈɛ_l_ɒ_t_s]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). Noting the effect of applying a faradic current directly to muscle. Nouns are the subject of a sentence. Infrared rays are sometimes subdivided into long-wave or far infrared (about 3. faradomuscular. Synonyms: athletic, beefy, brawny, husky, lusty, muscled, muscly, powerful, strapping, strong. Not indexed. a tapered, pointed endodontic instrument used for exploring the depth of the root canal in root canal therapy ; called also root canal point . [After Michael Faraday . A cutaneous form of glanders, characterized by swelling of the superficial lymph vessels and formation of ulcerating nodules on the skin. From Dorland's, 2000. The Discipline approach, the most common method of treatment, generally employed the use of a milk diet, bromide, massage, and electrical faradization. Noun - A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. Definition of farina avenae in the Medical Dictionary by The Free DictionaryCorrect spelling for the English word glossospasm is [ɡlˈɒsəspˌazəm], [ɡlˈɒsəspˌazəm], [ɡ_l_ˈɒ_s_ə_s_p_ˌa_z_ə_m]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). In direct-acting faradmeters, the measuring mechanism is an electromagnetic, electrodynamic, or ferrodynamic quotient meter; the scales of such faradmeters are marked in. g. ベビー・キッズ キッズ服(女の子用) 100cm~ フォーマル 楽天市場 美女と野獣 ベル ドレス 120cm - alwayscpr. congenital cardiac anomalies. View More. One who theorizes or speculates; a theorist. 2011 - English Dictionary Database; 2006 - WordNet 3. The last named, electical faradization, has been seen as the most punitive end of the treatment spectrum, yet Leese ends his discussion of the Discipline approach by writing that Yealland's role was. fetal arteriovenous malformations leading to. Verb - A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being. Watch on. It helps shield the delicate, sensitive tissues underneath from mechanical and other injuries. faradization: ( far'ad-i-zā'shŭn ), Therapeutic application of a faradic (induced) electrical current. It might be outdated or ideologically biased. View More. Partially solid. Noting the effect of applying a faradic current directly to muscle. faradomuscular. Here is the list of all the English words with 14 letters not containing letters E, I, K, N, P, T and V grouped by number of letters: chromosomology, chrysochlorous, faradomuscular, fluoroalcohols, goshwowboyoboy. 0; 2010 - New Age Dictionary DatabaseFaradaic current. Watch on. Common Noun - A noun that does not name a specific person, place or. Meaning of faradomuscular. Farabeuf triangle - the triangle formed by the internal jugular and facial veins and the hypoglossal nerve. Nearby Words. Youngson 2004, 2005. The Garret simply describes the form by rhyme scheme and line breaks. bubonic plague. It is also an anti-arrhythmic and a of. faradomuscular. Farabeuf retractor: (far-ă-boof′) [Louis H. Farah Antun. 合気速習 NEXT STAGE 第十一講「筋電流を用いた合気術」. supplemental, supplementary; supplementally; supplementary; supplementary air; supplementary benefit; Supplementary Feeding; supplementary feedings; supplementary ideographic plane. Noting the effect of applying a faradic current directly to muscle. 309 coulombs per mole, the amount of electricity required to reduce one equivalent of a monovalent ion. 2. How to define Faradomuscular? Faradomuscular definition, meaning and example sentences. comFaraday laws: ( far'ă-dā ), 1. Present Perfect Continuous; I have been faradizing: you have been faradizing: he/she/it has been faradizing: we have been faradizing: you have been faradizingCorrect spelling for the English word Fellowlike is [fˈɛlə͡ʊlˌa͡ɪk], [fˈɛləʊlˌaɪk], [f_ˈɛ_l_əʊ_l_ˌaɪ_k]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). → Definition and anagrams of faradomuscular → Other senses and detailed information on the Wiktionnary. . Noting the effect of applying a faradic current directly to muscle. a small area or spot; the sharp end of an object. A lymphatic disease of cattle caused by Nocardia farcinica. faradomuscular. The addition of farnesol to cells treated with the combination abolished the effects of the N-BPs/FTI combination on apoptosis and on the activity of the signaling molecules, suggesting that the synergistic growth-inhibitory and proapoptotic effects produced by the N-BPs/FTI combination involved the inhibition of both Erk and Akt survival pathways acting in these. Meaning of faradomuscular. View More. Noting the effect of applying a faradic current directly to muscle. ( fahr'mĕrz lŭng) A hypersensitivity pneumonitis characterized by fever and dyspnea, caused by inhalation of organic dust from moldy hay containing spores of actinomycetes and certain true fungi, which may thrive in. Subjects: 47. 309 coulombs per mole, the amount of electricity required to reduce one equivalent of silver ion. Verb - A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being. Verb - A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being. -dized, -diz•ing. The word theriac comes from the Greek term theriaka, which refers to ancient bestiaries about dangerous beasts and their. Nearby Words. Nouns are the subject of a sentence. Find faradomuscular translation meaning in Albanian with definition from english Albanian dictionary. faraday - 96,485. farinaceous: ( far'i-nā'shŭs ), 1. Partially solid. View More. faraday - 96,485. Born 1874 in Tripoli, Libya; died July 3, 1922, in Cairo. Definition of faradise in the Medical Dictionary by The Free Dictionaryインテリア・住まい・小物 ライト 照明 heterometric デスクライト FRiENDS - mmaimports. Browse nearby or related words faradonervous faradopalpation farads farand farandine farandman. View More. faradomuscular Fundamental » All languages » English » Terms by etymology » Terms by prefix » farado- English terms beginning with the prefix farado- . They tell how much, how often, when and where something is done. Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content . Correct spelling for the English word salvor is [sˈalvə], [sˈalvə], [s_ˈa_l_v_ə]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). Common Noun - A noun that does not name a specific person, place or. Theriac is considered the most popular cure-all multi-ingredient medicine and has been used for more than two millennia. Noun - A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. (Illustration by Electronic Illustrators Group. Noun - A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. Noun - A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. Common Noun - A noun that does not name a specific person, place or. View More. Synonym(s): golfer's skin , sailor's skinCorrect spelling for the English word Efflower is [ˈɛfla͡ʊə], [ˈɛflaʊə], [ˈɛ_f_l_aʊ_ə]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). faradomuscular pronunciation. kidney cortex; kidney cortex necroses; kidney cortex necrosis; kidney disease; kidney failure; Kidney Failures; kidney fern; kidney glomerulus; kidney grafting; kidney insufficiencies. Faraday cage - cage designed to enclose and protect an electric instrument from outside electric interference. Noun - A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. Common Noun - A noun that does not name a specific person, place or. Recapacitate - To qualify again; to confer capacity on again. faradomuscular. congenital pulmonary stenosis. 309 coulombs per mole, the amount of electricity required to reduce one equivalent of silver ion. [L. congenital pulmonary stenosis. Watch in this video how to say and pronounce "faradomuscular"! The video is produced by yeta. Common Noun - A noun that does not name a specific person, place or. Looking for phrases related to the word faradomuscular? Find a list of matching phrases on Phrases. favourableness. Nearby Words. far·a·dized, far·a·diz·ing, far·a·diz·es. faradic bath - water bath in which there is faradic current. staphylococcemia; staphylococcemia, staphylococcaemia. Nearby Words. Faradmeter. Rockaway cough A popular term for the dry cough that occurred in individuals of the northeastern US affected by Hurricane Sandy in 2012, which was more common in the days and weeks that followed the receding tidal surge, and impacted in particular the residents of Far Rockaway, Queens, one of the New York City’s five boroughs. giant silkmoth; giant silkmoths; giant silkworm; giant silkworm moth; giant silkworms; giant squid; giant star; giant star grass; giant stock bean; giant sunflower; giant taro; Home; Terms and Conditions. View More. falsifiability faradomuscular farfetchedness fascistization fatalistically fearlessnesses featherbedding federalization feinschmeckers ferromagnesian ferromagnetism ferromanganese ferroprussiate fervorlessness fibrocarcinoma fibronucleated fideicommissum fiendishnesses finlandization flagellantisms flagellomaniac. Abnormal waveforms in fetal ductus venosus flow assessment can occur in a number of situations: aneuploidic anomalies. Peformed by Kurabe Makoto Shiseido. The term theriac was spread globally by missionaries, merchants and physicians, with evidence of recipes in Brazil, China and Japan from the 1700s. View More. From 1899 to 1906 he published the journal al-Jamiah (The Community) in Alexandria. 2. Farnsworth: ( farnz'wŏrth ), Dean, U. View More. Adverb - An adverb describes how the action is performed. The name theriac (treacle), (Greek theriake, Latin theriaca, French thériaque) was derived from the Greek for wild beast - theriakos. Abnormal waveforms in fetal ductus venosus flow assessment can occur in a number of situations: aneuploidic anomalies. far point: [ point ] 1. infrared: [ in″frah-red´ ] denoting electromagnetic radiation of wavelength greater than that of the red end of the spectrum, i. Denoting the effect of applying a faradic (induced) electric current directly to a muscle. Definition of faradomuscular in the Definitions. Correct spelling for the English word Sedlitz powder is [sˈɛdlɪts pˈa͡ʊdə], [sˈɛdlɪts pˈaʊdə], [s_ˈɛ_d_l_ɪ_t_s p_ˈaʊ_d_ə]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). faradomuscular. to graffiti (to create graffiti), especially vandalistic graffiti; Related words & phrasesfaraday - 96,485. Find faradomuscular translation meaning in Filipino with definition from english Filipino dictionary. See: Farnsworth-Munsell color test . faradomuscular. Learn how to say/pronounce faradomuscular in American English. The fardel roughly measures the duration and the severity of the penalty, that. 2011. the application of alternating electrical current for therapeutic purposes. Correct spelling for the English word Stook is [stˈʊk], [stˈʊk], [s_t_ˈʊ_k]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). Nouns are the subject of a sentence. See: Farber disease , Farber syndrome . 15 letter words beginning with fa: familiarisingly. It was an effort of the mind, of the will, of the nerves; not muscular, for I could not move even so much as my little finger, but none the less mighty for all that. The most matching words are aftercurrent, faradocontractility. [ skin] the outer covering of the body. Telling one user about a new octo-tetris game you compiled would be a faradising act - in two weeks you might find your entire department playing the faradic game. Correct spelling for the English word Scrode is [skɹˈə͡ʊd], [skɹˈəʊd], [s_k_ɹ_ˈəʊ_d]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). faradic current - current that stimulates muscle through its nerve. comfaradomuscular. Meaninglessness - the quality of having great value or significance; he resented the meaninglessness of the tasks they. Faradomuscular Definition Login | Join PoetrySoup Home Submit Poems Login Sign Up Member Home My Poems My Quotes My Profile & Settings My Inboxes My Outboxes Soup Mail Contests Poems Poets Famous Poems Famous Poets Dictionary Types of Poems Quotes Short Stories Articles Forum Blogs Poem of the Day New Poems Resources. Nearby Words. Correct spelling for the English word candlelight is [kˈandə͡llˌa͡ɪt], [kˈandəllˌaɪt], [k_ˈa_n_d_əl_l_ˌaɪ_t]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). Sorted by: Frequent words Size Form of searched words: Dictionary forms (nouns in the singular, verbs in the infinitive)farad - a practical unit of electrical capacity. Business, Economics, and Finance. Faradomuscular - Noting the effect of applying a faradic current directly to a muscle. 1. to stimulate or treat (muscles or nerves) with induced alternating electric current. comfaradomuscular. Noting the effect of applying a faradic current directly to muscle. (ˈfær əˌdaɪz) v. comCollin's osteoclast - An apparatus for fracturing a bone at any desired point, used in the correction of knock-knee. 7 6 shows the arm one month after the accident, the deltoid is but slightly atrophied, but the arm and forearm are one-third less in circumference than on the uninjured side. 309 coulombs per mole, the amount of electricity required to reduce one equivalent of silver ion. A list on a website that answers basic questions that might be asked by a first-time visitor to the site. Noting the effect of applying a faradic current directly to muscle. In Greek mythology, Panacea, the goddess of healing, was said to have a potion that healed every sickness. Definition of farinosely in the Medical Dictionary by The Free DictionaryCorrect spelling for the English word panderer is [pˈandəɹə], [pˈandəɹə], [p_ˈa_n_d_ə_ɹ_ə]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). Nearby Words. Initially renowned as an antidote against poisons, it soon became a cure-all remedy, and a true theriac industry developed in several countries. The structures and morphologies of VST and copolymer p (VST/MMA/BA) were characterized by IR, SEM, and EDX, and their mechanical properties and performances in far-infrared radiation and negative ion release were evaluated quantitatively. [8] Os alongamentos dinâmicos devem emular os levantamentos feitos para medir a força muscular. adj. , treated as an emergency medicine in case of e. (05 Mar 2000) Lexicographical Neighbors of. Muscular force is needed whenever movement of the body occurs. Nearby Words. The skin form of glanders. Methods. Medical Definition of Faradomuscular. [3] We've got 0 rhyming words for faradomuscular » What rhymes with faradomuscular? farado·mus·cu·lar This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like faradomuscular. Swan neck deformity is a musculoskeletal manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis presenting in a digit of the hand, due to the combination of: hyperextension of a proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint. faradomuscular. 15 letter words beginning with fa: familiarisingly. 0 regained, and four years before the development of the muscles again equalled those of the uninjured side. t. 1843 December 19, Charles Dickens, “Stave Two. They are capable of penetrating body tissues to a. Aim of the study: Until now, no reliable information regarding the. View More. cooperation 深井信悟・. Farabeuf triangle - the triangle formed by the internal jugular and facial veins and the hypoglossal nerve. Correct spelling for the English word ashima is [aʃˈiːmə], [aʃˈiːmə], [a_ʃ_ˈiː_m_ə]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). Ar. What does faradomuscular mean? Information and translations of faradomuscular in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Synonym (s): faradism. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. Several interventional radiological strategies to remove knotted catheters have been reported, including dilating the knot by large-diameter balloons [ 1 ], covering the knot with a larger sheath, and pulling the catheter end back through the knot following balloon dilatation [ 2 ], which is the basis of our procedure and might be the most. Noting the effect of applying a faradic current directly to muscle. Relating to the contraction of muscles under the influence of an induced electric current. . fetal pulmonary arterial anomalies. S. The disease is produced as a result of an IMMUNE RESPONSE to the presence of fungal spores in hay Similar symptoms have been recorded in workers in other occupations, such as malt workers, pigeon breeders, cheese washers. " The competition was sponsored nationally by Britain's Farm Toys. Faraday, Michael, English physicist and chemist, 1791-1867. faradization - use of the faradic current. Correct spelling for the English word slop jar is [slˈɒp d͡ʒˈɑː], [slˈɒp dʒˈɑː], [s_l_ˈɒ_p dʒ_ˈɑː]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). Synonym (s): faradism. congenital cardiac anomalies. スポーツ・レジャー 野球 応援グッズ diplosome 福岡ソフトバンク サファテ選手 - mmaimports. → 1 16-letter words without b e g i k n p t v:. View More. They tell how much, how often, when and where something is done. faradomuscular faradomuscular (English) Origin & history farado-+ muscular Adjective faradomuscular (not comparable) Relating to the contraction of muscles under the. View More. Nouns are the subject of a sentence. faradomuscular. View More. Theriac of the Poor omitted viper’s flesh and contained only five inexpensive ingredients. To treat or stimulate (a muscle or nerve) with faradic current. Nearby Words. They tell how much, how often, when and where something is done. Noting the effect of applying a faradic current directly to muscle. a paying passenger, esp when carried by taxi. Common Noun - A noun that does not name a specific person, place or. Definition of faradizer in the Medical Dictionary by The Free Dictionary 家電・スマホ・カメラ PC タブレット 世界の りたろ様surface1943 高速SSD256GB8GB第10世代PC - mmaimports. Here is the list of all the English words with 14 letters not containing letters B, E, G, I, J, K, N, P, T, V and X grouped by number of letters: chrysochlorous, faradomuscular, fluoroalcohols, hydrosulfurous. The Mennonite denomination is named after Menno Simons Mennonites are members of a Protestant church that emerged from the. Synonyms: athletic, beefy, brawny, husky, lusty, muscled, muscly, powerful, strapping, strong. 0–1000 μm) and short-wave or near infrared (about 0. 309 coulombs per mole, the amount of electricity required to reduce one equivalent of silver ion. Other words with the suffix “-ar” include ‘jenoar,’ which means “a person who studies genetics,” ‘stallar,’ which means “a person who works in a stable,” and ‘myopolar,’ which means “having two opposite poles. Nouns are the subject of a sentence. Faradic is an interrupted direct current that has a frequency of 50:100Hz with a pulse duration from 0. A condition of acute onset caused by prolonged carrying of one or more heavy bags with purchases, where the elbow is flexed at 90º or less—i. Noting the effect of applying a faradic current directly to muscle. Nearby Words. faradic bath - water bath in which there is faradic current. faradomuscular. Definitions of THEORIZER. Correct spelling for the English word ligand is [lˈɪɡand], [lˈɪɡand], [l_ˈɪ_ɡ_a_n_d]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). Find the perfect word to improve your writing and expand your vocabulary. far·del. Adverts by Farlutal (Farmitalia), Lindiol (Organon) and Novulon (Johnson & Johnson) sought to awaken medical interest and advised that a "vast literature on this speciality is available to the medical class. Adverb - An adverb describes how the action is performed. Faradism, which is named after M. Synonym (s): faradism. Noting the effect of applying a faradic current directly to muscle. comCorrect spelling for the English word custodial is [kʌstˈə͡ʊdɪəl], [kʌstˈəʊdɪəl], [k_ʌ_s_t_ˈəʊ_d_ɪ__ə_l]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). Correct spelling for the English word Lunet is [lˈʌnɪt], [lˈʌnɪt], [l_ˈʌ_n_ɪ_t]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). faradomuscular (not comparable) Relating to the contraction of muscles under the influence of an induced electric current What is the definition of Faradomuscular? | Dictionary. Nouns are the subject of a sentence. Lender liability - US legal direction holding lenders, especially banks and mortgage companies, liable for a borrower's. What is faradomuscular? Meaning of faradomuscular medical term. THOUGH I totally agree with concerns expressed in the ECHO (Letters, 12 August) regarding the far left, the problem is that it seems all political parties appear to have lost touch with ordinary hard working people: when the gap between the elite and the people seems to be widening as a result of government policy, then it leaves a gap into which. View More. Correct spelling for the English word Obtend is [ɒbtˈɛnd], [ɒbtˈɛnd], [ɒ_b_t_ˈɛ_n_d]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). Brawny, thewy, having strength . Learn how to say/pronounce faradomuscular in American English. Commercialized under the name of the Venice Treacle, it. E. They tell how much, how often, when and where something is done. cipherer; cipherhood; ciphering; ciphertext; cipipa. faradism. Mithridates, described by Velleius Paterculus as ‘ever eager for war, of exceptional bravery, always great in spirit and sometimes in achievement, in strategy a general, in bodily prowess a soldier, in hatred to the Romans, a Hannibal’. level 1. The son of a blacksmith, Faraday attended primary school. The unit of capacitance in the meter-kilogram-second system equal to the capacitance of a capacitor having an equal and opposite charge of 1 coulomb on each plate and a potential difference of 1 volt between the plates. Noting the effect of applying a faradic current directly to muscle. , fr. Correct spelling for the English word 'Snooze is [snˈuːz], [snˈuːz], [s_n_ˈuː_z]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). Listen free audio with natural accents. faradism. Contain most or all of the B-complex vitamins (B 1, B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6, B 1 2) and vitamin C, a diverse group of compounds necessary for normal growth and development that act as coenzymes or catalysts in numerous metabolic processes. faradomuscular. Born Sept. Faradism (also faradization), an obsolete method of biological stimulation used for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes. Faraday shield: An MRI term for an electrically conductive screen or shield that reduces or eliminates interference between external radio waves and internal electromagnetic radiation from the MRI unit. net. Dictionary. faradomuscular. 75–3. skin. [M. Specimen Serum (2 mL) collected in a red-top tube. Denoting the effect of applying a faradic (induced) electric current directly to a muscle. Nearby Words. Common Noun - A noun that does not name a specific person, place or. Watch in this video how to say and pronounce "faradomuscular"! The video is produced by yeta. Subscribe for more videos!fibromuscular: ( fī'brō-mŭs'kyū-lăr ), Both fibrous and muscular; relating to both fibrous and muscular tissues. 2. flexion of a distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Serology Synonym/acronym: Farmer’s lung disease serology, extrinsic allergic alveolitis. View More. FAPTA: Fellow of the American Physical Therapy Association. [3]We've got 0 rhyming words for faradomuscular » What rhymes with faradomuscular? farado·mus·cu·lar This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like faradomuscular. com! The Web's largest and most authoritative phrases and idioms resource. sv; sv40 t antigens; sv40 t proteins; sv40 virus; sv40 viruses; svalbard; svante august arrhenius; svapnia; svatopluk cech; svc;. View More. Definitions of FARADOMUSCULAR. Adverb - An adverb describes how the action is performed. They tell how much, how often, when and where something is done. We couldn't find direct synonyms for the term faradomuscular. faradization - use of the faradic current. Synonym (s): Farber disease, Farber syndrome. By Noah Webster. Correct spelling for the English word Semblant is [sˈɛmblənt], [sˈɛmblənt], [s_ˈɛ_m_b_l_ə_n_t]] (IPA phonetic alphabet). 96,485. Setting: Pediatric Surgery Department, Pt BD Sharma, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak.